Found by the Shepherd Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 03. februar 2011 15:17


Tune:  Amazing Grace

eller: The Lord´s my Shepherd I shall not want…




The Shepherd found and rescued me

in His own, sovereign way,

the life´s awakening did He,

reborn I was that day!


About God´s word I did not care,

yet He cared for my soul,,

of Christ I now became aware,

in love He made me whole!


The Bible´s message was, I saw,

that Christ once died for me,

that truth did fill my soul with awe,

with joy and liberty!


And to the world I testify

with words I would make plain,

that when my time has come to die,

my death will be just gain!


For I in Christ have my abode

In Heaven´s place of grace,

His blood for all my sins has flowed,

and sinners He´ll embrace!


Clovis, CA, Febr. 2, 2011 - jn-