The Sweetness of God´s Word Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 30. oktober 2009 12:24

Tune:  Have Thine own way, Lord….

Upon His word His Spirit has breathed,
In grace undeserved and love I am wreathed,
The world knows nothing of that new life,
Sunk in itself in hatred and strife!

Like sweetest honey His word I taste,
With all its freshness I am embraced,
I sense His “still small voice” and His smile,
Always so real, never with guile!

The words of men are full of deceit,
Hear how they flatter only to cheat,
Thy word is truth and power and light,
Thy word is day by day my delight!

God´s word plus faith though ever so small
Will be your sword and sheltering wall,
It will revive within you a zeal
Kindled with love that others may feel!

Who else can me a true answer give
Except my Savior in whom I live?
Yes, of His fountains gladly I drink,
While in His grace and mercy I sink!



Senest opdateret: Tirsdag, 25. september 2012 13:32