An Oasis Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 14. oktober 2009 11:12

Despite the evil I do see,
When truth is sold for lies,
My garden with its humming bee
Its Maker glorifies.

The graceful, flitting butterflies
With colors God designed
Will silence those defying cries
Of unbelievers blind.

A countenance so blushing red
Of love and tenderness
My garden´s rose that grace will spread
And will my wife, too, bless.

Who tells you God does not exist?
Look at the beech´s leaf,
God has its greenish pigment kissed,
So quit your unbelief!

Yes, an oasis here I find,
God´s beauty fills my breast,
For  Christ enlightened has my mind
And me with riches blessed!

Aug. 19, 2008 - jn

Senest opdateret: Tirsdag, 25. september 2012 13:36