On the Wings of the Air Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 13. oktober 2009 06:53

Tune:  To the regions beyond I must go….

On the wings of the air – what a treat, what a joy
As we´re heading for US again,
And I certainly felt like a privileged boy
In that fast flying Lufthansa plane!

Refrain:  What a joy to be free,
At the land, in the air,
On the waves of the sea
With God´s love everywhere!

Way up there in the sky and above every cloud,
Heaven´s sunshine is tender and kind,
So the gang of that travelling passenger crowd
Doesn´t miss anything left behind.

Distant countries abroad are not too far away,
Thanks to travelling comfort and ease
That will take us to lands in just one flying day
As strangers or gospel trainees!

An objective for travelling do cultivate,
Oh my friend, don´t be fooling around,
But speak up for your Savior, there´s nothing so great
As the gospel´s awakening sound.

On the wings of the eagles God bore us along
While He leads us to war in His power,
We are weak in the flesh, but in Jesus made strong
Every day, every night, every hour!


July 14, 2008

