A Little Wonder Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 11. oktober 2009 14:38

I see it daily on my trail
Relaxed and always calm,
That graceful, charming, little snail
Not doing any harm!

I take a break and can´t but feel
God´s majesty does shine,
For lovingly He did conceal
Himself in that design!

I pause before the garden snail
And hear it gently say:
“Your hurry is of no avail,
It surely does not pay!”

That wonder of creation is
So awesome to my heart,
The godless do not know that bliss
In which the snail takes part!

Some day it may be trampled down,
Though never knowing when,
To me it got its own renown,
Its Maker says “Amen!”


May 3, 200

Senest opdateret: Tirsdag, 25. september 2012 13:53