The Little Bible Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 10. september 2012 03:45

Tune:  Amazing Grace

You never pass that gospel stage,
for never can be drained
God´s dying love despite your age,
its glow can´t be restrained!

“The little Bible” it is called,
oh, simple is its  mark,
its message never can be walled,
its words new fire spark!

If to a foreign land I go
John 3:16 I´ll learn,
though I the language do not know,
that verse in me would burn!

In France, Romania , Spain and Greece
this is my charter still,
no other gospel has that peace
that empty hearts can fill!

May at my grave by honest men
John 3:16 be seen
to solemnly be read again
when I have left this scene!

Sept. 10, 2012 - jn