The Blowing Wind Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 27. Juli 2012 18:13

The Blowing Wind

”The wind blows where it wishes…”  (John 3:8)

(Choose your own tune)

The wind is blowing at God´s will,
it doesn´t need our aid,
the Spirit too with sovereign skill
did me of Christ persuade.

We´re at that Spirit´s mercy still
when Christ He will uplift
to offer sinners who are ill
salvation as God´s gift!

No system frail men may devise,
despite their words profound,
does to a changed heart ever rise
as sin the will has bound!

But as we in the Spirit preach
the gospel as it is
the lost in darkness we may reach
as destined to be His!

We to that mighty rush and sound
respond with joy each day
to in His perfect will be found,
there is no happier way!

July 27, 2012 – jn