Passion for souls Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 12. oktober 2009 01:33

“I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart…”  (Rom. 9:2).

“Brothers, my heart´s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved…”  (Rom.10:1)

I went to see my elderly neighbor, Erik, upon my arrival to Denmark.  “I´ve been away for 30 days, so I wonder how things are with you?”  He´s a widower and invited me in.  We had a talk in his nice little kitchen, and I was groaning in my spirit before the Lord.  “Help me, dear Lord, give me the right words…”

I told him about the Americans and how my little card was handed out to those I met.  He already knew that card which is also handy in Danish.  I again mentioned the cross on our banner – the cross of Jesus.  I challenged him about the eternity and the urgency of getting right with God in this life.  He was kind, sociable, smiling – but nothing seemed to impress him.  I left him still groaning in my spirit.

I talked to another gentleman on the road one morning.  He´d been travelling all over and was now an old man.  I asked him, “What about your life´s very last journey?”  Again I made reference to the cross on our beautiful flag and what it´s about.  It didn´t impress him, he turned around and walked away.  The darkness  has certainly a satanic grip on my country men most of whom are members of the Lutheran state church.

Then I get e-mails with optimistic pictures of ecstatic Christians shouting praises and playing worship music from various platforms.  Somehow I don´t feel at ease with all that.  My heart in anguish is not relieved by all that noise. I recall what a Swedish preacher once said at a conference, “In Sweden we have a lot of fine churches, fine preachers, fine sermons, fine music – but those with a true passion for souls are very few.”  I can identify myself with that guy and his tears.  So can the apostle Paul, I´m sure. He said, “I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel, I urge you, then, be imitators of me!” 1 Cor. 4:15-16.

