Calvinism and Armenianism - a Game of Words? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 11. oktober 2009 14:57

“There are many…empty talkers…”  (Tit. 1:10)

Here in America I was from my early youth exposed to two theological positions named Calvinism and Armenianism.  Those two schools  are more or less unknown in my country.  If I over there label somebody an “Armenian” or a “Calvinist”, my words make no sense.  And thank God, they don´t have to either.

Armenianism  stems from a Dutch theologian by name of J. Arminius (1560-1609), while Calvinism has to do with J. Calvin (1509-1564)  Armenianism strongly believes in the free will of man.  Calvinism stresses the election of God,  but as we don´t know who the “elect” are, we should preach the gospel to all men.

John Wesley is often mentioned as the most famous Armenian.  George Whitefield, his contemporary and close friend, was an ardent Calvinist.  However, for a long time they opposed one another because of these  issues.  Both were anointed men of God.  Whitefield was once asked who should preach his funeral sermon, to which he replied without hesitation, “John Wesley”,  which he did twice to overflow congregations.

If you ask me what my own position is, my answer is “Neither!”  My statement of faith is “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”.  As long as that is our passion with a tender conscience saturated with God´s word, we shall be kept straight on His way of righteousness and be preserved from all heretical evils.


May 5, 2009