It All Started with a Lutheran Request… Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 14. oktober 2012 03:59

A Lutheran minister once asked me to write about baptism.  I was a little puzzled, for he knew that I had been baptized by immersion upon my open faith in Christ.  But obviously he wanted to have a voice raised against the delusion of trusting the rite of baptism as a “ticket” to Heaven.

So I complied with his request.  I showed from the New Testament what baptism was to begin with.  How dramatic it was when siding with Jesus in full public, not just as a peaceful Sunday church service primarily observed by peaceful church members.

The minister´s challenge helped me to think afresh on the subject in the light of the teaching of God´s word.  My position became rather ambivalent towards the modern practice of baptism in the churches regardless of their tradition.

I dare say that the healthiest revivals we had in our Nordic countries have far and away been within the old Lutheran circles.  But still I´m not a Lutheran.  And permit me to say that in my own ministry the healthiest results happened under a Lutheran umbrella.  Don´t ask me why, ask rather the Lord.  I preached the word of the cross, and the Lord vindicated His word.

Last Thursday we had a refreshing Bible study.  It was from John 1:35-51.  It was about soul winning and a good spirit prevailed.  At the close of our meeting a brother suddenly, without any reason, started a small “lecture” on baptism attacking infant baptism.  It was ill-timed and I had to use “authority” and asked him to stop that. (Our group happens to be a very mixed group).  At this juncture the urgent spiritual need is of a completely different nature.

I was baptized in my early youth as a Baptist.  And yet even good Baptists may cause division. Charles Finney had at a certain place revival (which he often had), but suddenly the Baptists  interfered with their “correct” teaching on baptism.  It was out of place and the good Spirit was quenched.  Finney was forced to deal with it (he himself being a Presbyterian), and the good Spirit was restored.

Think about it, even if you can´t see my point.  I think you may, however, once you get involved with revival and the passion for souls. 

These very days I´m closely connected to a Tamil family with a Catholic tradition.  Do you know what?  I see more spiritual reality with those dear people than I do with my “correct” and faultless friends.  They want me to open the Bible with them and ask me to pray with them before leaving their house.  “The wind blows where it wishes…”.  O, it did in revival times in Norway – yes,  times that can still make me cry, and it does today, always transcending our set (and proud) ways.  Think about it before you label me as a heretic!

Shouldn´t we “contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints”?  (Jude v.3).  You bet we should, but not in contentious spirit.  It takes a close walk with the Lord to do His work in His way – in His Spirit.  “He who has an ear let him hear…”

October 14, 2012 – jn