Off the Pedestals! Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 19. april 2012 15:39

I cheerfully said to a pastor, ”If you came to my country or to Norway, we would gladly let you have the floor  to have you share a word with us now and then.  We love that!  But how come that you would never dream of doing the same thing to an European?”  He said something like this, “Well, I think it´s because we´re afraid that you are not preaching the truth!”

So it´s a matter of zeal for the truth!  He did have a point though. Heresies are coming from Europe, so watch out, pastors!  But doesn´t the U.S. have heresies too?  Don´t we care in Europe about whom we invite to our platforms?  We certainly do, but once a spiritual relationship with a brother is established, and we sense that our hearts are beating in time, doctrinally, about the absolute authority of God´s word,  the gospel of Christ and His salvation by pure grace, we gladly and cheerfully say, “Be greeted, dear American brother, let us hear from you!  The floor is yours!”

I just said to my Wednesday morning fellowship, “I´ve not come over here to take the truth away from you or teach you new doctrines. I´m an imperfect ambassador for the gospel of Christ, that´s all!”  But fortunately that fellowship knows me already and has already given me from their hearts “ the right hand of fellowship”  (Gal. 2:9), and we could all smile, laugh and relax.

I read about a super “spiritual” pastor who went up to the steeple to be alone with God.  Suddenly he heard a voice saying, “Come down and die!”  He got scared and said, “Where are you, Lord?”  And the answer came back, “Down with my people!”

That´s where I want to be by the grace of God.  And that´s where you want to be too, right?  So let the dignified pastors, doctors, divinities, theological professors, etc., knock themselves off their pedestals and let´s go out in the open witnessing together!

Remember, “The common people heard Him gladly!” (Mark. 12:37)

Clovis, CA, April 19, 2012 – jn