It Happened in Schwerin Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 06. januar 2012 04:16

I´m sure many of you are like me concerning your relationship to the Bible.  There are certain Bible verses that are connected to certain events in your walk with the Lord.  You may mark such Bible words with your pencil.

One of these days it´s exactly 15 years ago I again marked a certain Bible word.  It was in Schwerin, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, one winter night.  My boss in Denmark had called me and wanted to see me soonest possible as “we are going to discuss your future”.  I knew what it meant.  I was going to get the sack.    It hurt, happy as I was with my salesman´s job in Germany where the Lord gave me so many precious friends.

I went out for a walk that night to collect myself.  In Germany they usually blind their windows at night contrary to what they do in Norway where the dark night is always bathed in light all over – a beautiful sight indeed.  So it was very dark when I had that lonely walk.  But suddenly I looked up at a beautiful starry sky and immediately a Bible word “came” to me.  “And He took him outside and said, Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them…”  (Gen. 15:5).

An unspeakable joy filled my heart.  I got the message.  In His providence the Lord led me “outside”  (the Danish rendering says “out in the free”), and His freedom took over.  This was of the Lord.  Later in my hotel I lit as many lights as I could find.  I arranged neatly my order book blessed by the Lord, and I wrote a poem of triumph which I dedicated to my boss whom I was soon going to tell my wonderful Schwerin experience.

Why do I tell you this?  To encourage you in the Lord.  To let you know that He will not leave you in the lurch.  When one door is closed, another opens up.   For the Lord is faithful.  He is the God of the stars and the orbits of the universe.  He is your God, the God of your “orbits”, true to His promises. “Jehovah Jireh”, the Lord who provides.

So you´re going to make fresh experiences with Him, not for the sake of “experiences”, but for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ of which He wants you to testify with new, anointed boldness.  It´s paved with faith strengthening experiences and trials though, for a static life (standing still) is not possible as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Jan. 6, 2012 – jn