Cheerful Talk in the December Sun Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 01. januar 2012 06:51

”I prefer to talk to children of whom I dare hope that they will turn out to be rational beings…”  (Søren Kierkegaard)

At a small parking lot in my town I enjoyed the scattered sunshine on a comfortable white bench.  A beautiful little girl had a stop there too with her handcart loaded with circulars to be distributed in the neighborhood.

”Do you like it?” I asked.  ”Yes, but this is the only exercise I get apart from my daily bike ride to my school in Fensmark.”  -   I remarked, “But 3 or 4 miles are at least something.”  Her name was Josephine and she was 13 years old, I was told.

”May I give you a small memory?”  I then gave her my ”famous” little card with the Danish flag.  I told her its story, of how I once visited a public school in Tennessee, read “The Princess on the Pea” for the children, let them tell me about their own banner, and I of course told them about the white cross in our flag and also about the brutal Vikings who through a missionary by name of Ansgar in 826 was told a story they´d never heard before, indeed about a man who died on a cross…

Josephine exclaimed,  ”Oh, it´s Jesus!”  -  ”You´re right, and now you know why we have a cross on our flag.”  -  ”Yes, it once fell from the sky in 1600 and something”, she suggested.  “Well, it was in 1219 at a battle in Estonia, the legend says ”, I insisted, but I told her what a joy it was for me to tell the American kids about the cross and that Jesus dies on that cross for our sins.

“I do read the Bible sometimes when I´m bored”, the girl said.  I encouraged her to keep doing that and told her how the Bible came into my life when I was 14.  We were now close to be on very friendly terms.  “I still have something for you”, I said.  ”Would you like to have a small New Testament to have in your pocket?”  Oh, she would be delighted to.  “I´m soon going to have a new jacket with an inside pocket and I can put it there”, she smiled.

I promised to pray for her.  We went on each our way.  The gracious December sun had never been so gracious…

Dec. 30, 2011 – jn