Forside Articles

Articles in English by Jorn Nielsen

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# Artikeltitel Skribent Hits
351 The Foolishness of the Cross Jørn Nielsen 1144
352 The Lucky Penny Jørn Nielsen 1221
353 ”Gossiping” the Gospel! Jørn Nielsen 1158
354 Practical Truth from the Book of Job Jørn Nielsen 1126
355 Another Journey through the Book of Job Jørn Nielsen 1143
356 Where is Christ in this Game? Jørn Nielsen 1095
357 Our Need Number One Jørn Nielsen 1099
358 The Great Friend of Homes Jørn Nielsen 1113
359 Spurgeon´s Conversion Jørn Nielsen 1132
360 Is Calvinism a Healthy Ism? Jørn Nielsen 1164
361 A Heartfelt Word from a Pro-American! Jørn Nielsen 1010
362 The Pelican – an Object Lesson Jørn Nielsen 1190
363 At Closing Time Jørn Nielsen 1166
364 Christ Saves Us from Spiritual Claustrophobia! Jørn Nielsen 1064
365 Among Modern Pagans Jørn Nielsen 1231
366 Gospel Talk with a Gospel Choir Jørn Nielsen 1259
367 ”Finished in All its Details!” (1 Kings 6:38) Jørn Nielsen 1084
368 Yesterday It Was a Day of Shame Jørn Nielsen 1067
369 ”Return, You and All Your Servants!” (2 Sam. 19:14) Jørn Nielsen 1167
370 Witnessing – a Taboo Subject? Jørn Nielsen 1118
371 Sympathetic Fellowship in the Gospel of Christ Jørn Nielsen 1162
372 Am I Putting Things to Their Extremes? Jørn Nielsen 1122
373 The Gospel Equals Spiritual Health Jørn Nielsen 1066
374 A Sunripe Israel soon to Come Jørn Nielsen 2352
375 The Awareness of the Shepherd´s Voice Jørn Nielsen 1119
376 A Flush with Coins! Jørn Nielsen 1141
377 Obama Openly Endorses Same Sex Marriage Jørn Nielsen 1035
378 The Cross in Our Practical Life Jørn Nielsen 1033
379 Hope for the Old Age Jørn Nielsen 1191
380 What is the Issue? What is at Stake? Jørn Nielsen 1072
381 Morning by Morning Jørn Nielsen 1102
382 Goodbye, California! Jørn Nielsen 1162
383 Is the Bible just a Text Book? Jørn Nielsen 1101
384 A Game Called Church Jørn Nielsen 1165
385 In the Lord´s Business Jørn Nielsen 1154
386 Off the Pedestals! Jørn Nielsen 1164
387 Whom Are We Going to Vote for? Jørn Nielsen 1186
388 The Bible – a Unique Spring! Jørn Nielsen 1224
389 ”Are You a Lutheran? Or What Are You?” Jørn Nielsen 1175
390 ”He is Risen!” What Does that Imply? Jørn Nielsen 1143
391 Soon on American Soil Jørn Nielsen 1154
392 ”Faktum est…” Jørn Nielsen 1379
393 Speak to Him! Jørn Nielsen 1141
394 The Outsiders Jørn Nielsen 1152
395 In Prison but not in a Cage Jørn Nielsen 1100
396 Are You a Free Bird? Jørn Nielsen 1124
397 My Point Jørn Nielsen 1188
398 Obama and the Bible Jørn Nielsen 1155
399 The Gospel´s True Humility Jørn Nielsen 1072
400 False or True? Jørn Nielsen 1172
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(2. Tim. 3:16)