Forside Articles

Articles in English by Jorn Nielsen

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# Artikeltitel Skribent Hits
201 What Should We Think About Christmas? Jørn Nielsen 1774
202 The White House and the House of God Jørn Nielsen 1159
203 In the Streets and Squares Jørn Nielsen 1152
204 Don´t Let the Election Rob You of the Gospel´s Agenda! Jørn Nielsen 1167
205 Now I Know Whom I´m Going to Give My Vote! Jørn Nielsen 1160
206 Who is Right? Jørn Nielsen 1183
207 An Object Lesson of Smug Religion Jørn Nielsen 1146
208 The Sins of Trump Laid Open, but.. Jørn Nielsen 1180
209 The Game of Lies Jørn Nielsen 1264
210 What Will the White House Stand for in Days to Come? Jørn Nielsen 1085
211 "I Shall Return!" Jørn Nielsen 1148
212 Witnessing to the Nones. Jørn Nielsen 1105
213 "Even Now!" Jørn Nielsen 1080
214 Washing or throwing mud? Jørn Nielsen 1074
215 "Personal Ministry" Jørn Nielsen 1104
216 Persia Coming to Our Sitting Room! Jørn Nielsen 1129
217 God´s answer Jørn Nielsen 1197
218 The Lord´s Supper and Baptism - What About it? Jørn Nielsen 1739
219 Am I a Backslider? Jørn Nielsen 1013
220 Goodbye, - and Auf Wiedersehen! Jørn Nielsen 1103
221 Nostalgia to the Glory of Christ Jørn Nielsen 1051
222 Don´t be Smarter than God! Jørn Nielsen 1103
223 Barrier-Breaking Gospel Ministry Jørn Nielsen 1054
224 What is the Church? Jørn Nielsen 1132
225 "Give Me 15 Seconds!" Jørn Nielsen 1200
226 Reflecting on Patrick Henry´s Battle Cry Jørn Nielsen 1259
227 The Strangers Jørn Nielsen 1200
228 The Sower´s Joy Jørn Nielsen 1181
229 2016 Another Gospel Challenge Jørn Nielsen 1189
230 A Mission Field is Coming to Me Jørn Nielsen 1207
231 How I remember World War II Jørn Nielsen 1394
232 "Flowing Toward the East!" Jørn Nielsen 1225
233 At the Feet of Jesus Jørn Nielsen 1199
234 My Changed Attitude to the U.S. Jørn Nielsen 1040
235 ”What Has Happened to Me…” (Phil. 1:12) Jørn Nielsen 1150
236 Sodom and Gomorrah in Our Time Jørn Nielsen 1201
237 “I Prefer Talking to the Children!” (Søren Kierkegaard) Jørn Nielsen 1275
238 What´s Happening, - Nothing? Jørn Nielsen 1154
239 In Freedom, Yet Still Struggling! Jørn Nielsen 1156
240 “Can there Any Good Thing Come Out of…” – America? Jørn Nielsen 1117
241 A Broad Hint Jørn Nielsen 1138
242 How the Church May be an Enemy of the Gospel Jørn Nielsen 1156
243 The Precious Blood of Christ Jørn Nielsen 1240
244 ”The Breaking of Bread” and the Bible Jørn Nielsen 1192
245 Europe´s Cry for a Leader Jørn Nielsen 1401
246 Picking up a Language Jørn Nielsen 1152
247 Why no Warmth of Welcome to Jesus? Jørn Nielsen 1130
248 This Time in Portuguese Jørn Nielsen 1178
249 Do Speak Well of Christ Jørn Nielsen 1074
250 Meeting People at Starbucks Jørn Nielsen 1171
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(2. Tim. 3:16)