God has not only breathed upon His word, but He also breathes upon us when we read it. Professor Hugo Odeberg, Sweden.
At the opening of a recent Bible conference the American guest speaker asked the question, “Why do you believe in the Bible?” His own answer was that the Bible above all is a collection of reliable documents witnessed by eye witnesses, on which he elaborated beautifully, and I was thrilled. Think of that, the word of Truth is a miraculous collection of more than 5,000 identical manuscripts. No other ancient history can come up with a similar well testified piece of literature.
My son-in-law in CA is an attorney. Should he be called upon in court to defend the reliability of the Bible, he would have his life´s best case – a dream case really.
However, there´s more to it than that. The answer that satisfies my own hungry heart is first and foremost what the Bible, the inspired word of God, has done and is doing to me. “From childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you…” What does the apostle say about the word of God? It is able to do something for me. Do what? To give me something. Give me what? “To give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 3:15. This small column doesn´t allow me to list all the many testimonies throughout the Bible that tell us what the word of God does experimentally or empirically to the individual.
I had an aunt, now home with the Lord. She was a manic-depressive case, but a child of God. She used to give me a ring once in a while. What was the call about? “Jørn, I have a word for you!” And then she would share with me a word from the Bible she wanted to make me happy with and which had made her happy. That´s what she really did. I miss those calls. I can´t recall that anybody else has ever given me a call like that. It´s probably the same with you. How often do we call one another just to share God´s word with one another?
In our so called Evangelical Lutheran State Church you see no church goers carrying their Bibles with them. It is not common practice. Ironical, isn´t it? I mean, Martin Luther himself was a man of the Bible. So I carry my Bible with me and joyfully witness to the person I talk to during the coffee session how the Bible in my early teens came powerfully into my life and what the word of God is doing to me. I don´t want to be provocative, but I don´t want to be in bondage to religious tradition either.
I have to stop now. My friend, make much of the Bible. Is your Christian life “dry” at the moment? We all know moments of spiritual drought, don´t we? Get at grips with the Bible. “This book will either keep me from sin, or sin will keep me from the Bible”, John Bunyan wrote in his Bible. Read it on your knees if necessary. God´s Spirit is breathing on you. Christ will be real as never before, for His word is as good as His person. And you will soon say with Jeremiah, “Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart!” (Jer. 15:16).
August 8, 2011 – jn