Forside Articles Our” Girls Won!
Our” Girls Won! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 14. Juli 2011 07:13


I can´t recall I´ve ever witnessed such an exciting soccer game on TV when the American soccer girls beat the Brazilians last night after the thrilling match was finally decided on penalties.  My wife and I agreed, “These are “our” girls!”  We cheered them and we were Americans as never before!

At our coffee table yesterday after the service a lady kindly asked me, “How were you saved?”  So I gave her my testimony and told her when in my boyhood my “god” was soccer and my “church” was the soccer stadium, but some day the seeking Savior found me.  I then witnessed to a school friend, “It´s not  so much soccer anymore – I´m now a Christian!”

And yet, like the apostle Paul, I know what sports are about (1 Cor. 9:24-25), - my wife don´t – and yet we found the American girls to be special.  I´m sure we could have a meaningful talk with some of them, and maybe they would like to hear what kind of “race” I´m now pursuing.

I love salesmen as I was once a salesman myself.  I love athletes as they were once my heroes.  In fact I once called on the goalkeeper of our of the Danish national team, my hero number one (he ranked among the best in the world), - he was now the owner of a big sports company – how wonderful it was to witness to that fine gentleman in his office where he served me with coffee and cookies.  He passed away some years ago, but only the Lord knows if we´ll meet in Heaven.  He did write a book about his life and devoted a special chapter on Christianity.

Congratulations, America!  My fellow believers, love your young athletes and share with them your own personal “sports enthusiasm”, I mean your enthusiasm for what Christ has done to your soul, and discipline your own body for His worthy cause (1 Cor. 9:27).

July 11, 2011 - jn

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