Forside Articles "Like a Nursing Mother"
"Like a Nursing Mother" Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 07. oktober 2009 16:17

The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard contended that personal, passionate commitment to the truth  supersedes your intellectual grasp of theology.  I think he was right.  He thus exposed the difference between personal awakening/revival and mere dead head knowledge.

When speaking of personal revival I like to mention one more thing , namely the personal loving care of souls – i.e. new born babes in Christ you´ve led to His everlasting salvation by grace.

Speaking of his spiritual children, the apostle Paul writes, “We were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children…”  1 Thess. 2:7.

O, what a challenge!  Nothing is so reviving to your own spirit, so encouraging, so motivating for your ministry, so edifying, uplifting and so conducive to your daily Bible reading, as to find yourself somewhat in the role of “nursing like a mother” souls that became your spiritual children through the gospel.  I can´t help thinking that if that “nursing” passion and care really prevailed among us, most difficulties would soon be overcome.

Sometimes we rather need more “hearteology” than a lot of theology!


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