(About the rest of faith and obedience)
”The message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened.” Hebr. 4:2
I have only one more Wednesday morning with ”my” precious senior men coming from all trades of life. One in Christ they certainly are and one in their love for the word of God. Today we were 17 brothers.
We read Hebr.4 which is about the rest of faith and obedience, and the Spirit of God made it real to us. We realized that instead of living a dry desert live in disobedience like the exodus Israelites, it is possible to live, as it were, in the fullness of “the promised land”, i.e. to live out, practically, our spiritual blessings which we already possess in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3).
We also saw that it´s possible to give a mental assent to the truth of the gospel (saying ”Oh, I believe”) but at the same time live in disobedience under the power of various modern idols. Many say that they have “accepted” Christ without having Him sit on the throne of their hearts.
But once Christ is reigning there, there are no limits to what overflow of blessings we have access to in Jesus Christ, including His sympathy, grace and mercy ”in time of need”. It is in Hebr.4:14-16. That word helped one of my good friends in Pa., a mayor in Williamsport. He had lost his dear wife and went through many sleepless nights. But one night the Spirit of God applied that very word to his troubled soul, and I remember him saying, ”That night I slept like a baby!”
Yes, even in a critical situation like that it´s possible to experience the sweet rest of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!
(from Clovis, Ca., USA)
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