Beloved, I trust this finds you rejoicing in our faithful Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, in whose presence we are because of His precious blood. Hebr. 10:19. One of the kind vicars of this parish asked me yesterday at the coffee table, “Do you mean to tell me that your death day will be a great day?” Yes, I smiled, and he warmly smiled back to me. Despite my frailties and my happy connection to my loyal (and royal) rollator, I´m being held up by “My grace is sufficient to you” (2 Cor. 12:9) which is beautifully and ingeniously framed on the wall at my bed side. These are my heavenly “credentials” as that ambassador of Christ I want to be. Despite the frailties of my wife (82) and myself (87) we plan on moving, D.V., this coming August to the neighborhood of our daughter and son-in-law in one of the suburbs of Copenhagen which is a rather big deal, I admit, but helping hands have been provided in the providence of God. At the hospital a few months ago I was told by one the many doctors that my time may now be up, but the death sentence was suspended, however, and I could go on witnessing to the beloved nurses and other helpers how happy I am in Christ in spite of my humble condition. A couple of them gave me a welcomed “love squeeze”, and in my newspaper I call them my “white angels.” At Sundays the church sees to it that I´ll be taken by taxi to the church, which is a so called “evangelical Lutheran state church” of which I´m not a member but a friendly relationship is now there with opportunities to witness to people at some coffee table after the service, which is a custom so well known in the States I remember. My good wife is not too well either and has to lie down most of the time, but she is still able to go along with her rollator to buy things for the kitchen. So we´re not starving. I discover how much I also love her now at our common evening of life. She has been a faithful “help meet” for 61 years. So I do not announce constant moans here in this quiet waiting room of the eternity where another spring is waiting. I have much joy at writing hymns, and our son-in-law encouraged me to write another book of no undying fame though but still, as it were, a rejoicing praise to the Lord. So be of good cheer you too, beloved. “Light lies ahead” which were the very last words of my grandfather at his deathbed. I´ve made his words my motto. So as Billy Graham used to say in his radio messages, “God bless you real good!” Sincerely, Jørn.