Forside Articles The Cheerful Heart Is Equal to a Feast! (Prov. 15:15)
The Cheerful Heart Is Equal to a Feast! (Prov. 15:15) Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Tirsdag, 26. marts 2024 09:01

I once asked my wife, “What do you think that word in Prov. 15:15 means?”  She said, “To call on a person like that is like coming to a feast!”  I thought that was a very accurate answer and good “theology”, too.

We are now old, and we´re not able to invite people to a fancy banquet anymore because of our frailties.  I thought of this today, but I said to myself, as long as my heart feasts upon the Lord, my guests are coming to a joyful banquet.  And of course there will be something for the table too on a modest scale, but the Lord is there and the feast that goes with Him!

I´ve been in poor homes, even in the States, that exhibited the exuberant joy of the Lord and at such moments I wouldn´t change with some big luxurious mansion.  In fact I´ve been at such places too, and they have often been poor places spiritually – but not always, of course.

So it be far from me to say, “Don´t call on me, for I have nothing to dish up with!”  That is not true.  I have plenty!  I said to an old widower whom I saw once a week, “Today we´re going to have a summit meeting!  We are five great persons, you and me, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” 

I usually had with me a couple of fancy cakes, and he had the coffee ready, our Bibles were opened, hymns were sung and prayers lifted up our souls, and a joyful summit meeting was launched as a true feast.  He is now with the Lord where I may soon meet him together with an unnumbered saved crowd up yonder around the Lord Jesus in His glory!  But the feast may begin right here in our most modest cottages! 

Oct. 8, 2003, jn

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