In my country it´s common practice to flag on half mast on Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion. I don´t understand why, for it was on that cross our Lord cried out, “It is finished!” and it was gloriously repaid Easter morning when God declared “with power” (Rom. 1:4) his resurrection.
So let the flag, especially our Danish flag with its white cross, go at full mast that day and let not its message be confined to just a dedicated church room or programmed Sunday service protected by its walls. That is not the idea of the Easter with the battle cry, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel!”
I know this is not a good phrase, I nevertheless like its shameless boldness when some Americans joyfully manipulate a little with the word “gospel” talking about “gossiping” the gospel, i.e. proclaiming it simple and often. It shouldn´t be the privilege of ordained ministers only.
So “gossip” the gospel! This is how we should be prepared to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim. 4:5) rather than just talk about “Christianity”, church going, religion, and the like. Yawn, yawn!
Can you think of a more brilliant calling than being an ambassador for Christ? When you have had the thrill of leading a soul to Christ you´ll never be the same and you wouldn´t exchange that calling with any prince in this world.
I wish you a good and happy gospel Easter!
April 1, 2023 - jn