Forside Poetry A Faithful Friend
A Faithful Friend Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 04. februar 2022 16:44

I have a friend that follows me,

A very faithful one,

Up in the air, at land and sea

Our friendship had begun!

It is the friendship of the age,

Where frailties me chase,

They make me feel like in a cage,

Yet full of Heaven´s grace!

This friend my soul would roughly treat,

When limping on my way,

With joy are leaping, too, my feet

To meet another day!

The aches me force to rest awhile,

Upon a solid stone,

My “thorn” then whispers with a smile,

“You are not left alone!”

If you, though frail, this greeting read,

Fresh courage take anew,

For special blessings may indeed

Be waiting soon for you!

Jan. 17, 2022 - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)