I like to share with you a powerful Bible word from Zech. 4:6, well known by most of you: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit” says the Lord of hosts. In this world another rule holds good: life is by might and power! I´m very much taken up with America, yes, this great nation, in fact that g “the super power of the world” and its president “the mightiest man”. But one day the game is over, alas too late, and soon they will be under ground with their big mouths filled with just soil and worms. We´ve heard the cry, “Black lives matter…” again and again. What matters really? It´s not military power, human smartness, successful investments, political skill or the power your charm, incl. the power of heated sex appeal. That will soon fade away too. Only the Lord of hosts, the eternal Sovereign, matters. The true power is His, and His Throne cannot be challenged. He matters, and so do you. I was once witnessing to an unknown gentleman one night in London about God´s care for him. That was to him unbelievable. Who cares for him in a big city like London? Nobody, and yet God does. Please understand how much you matter to God, for John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave only begotten Son (that means “His unique Son” of whom there´s no other kind!) that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life! “ 10/31/20 - jn