Forside Poetry Heading For The Heavenly Shore
Heading For The Heavenly Shore Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 19:15

Tune:  Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts…

Jesus, Thou light on darkest road,

In Thee we still find our abode

Sheltered despite this worldwide fear,

Which to the nations is coming near!

Jesus, Thy name is all we need,

And on Thy riches we do feed,

They are through Thee within our reach,

This does Thy Spirit reveal and teach!

Teach us to fight, too, on this scene

As on the pow´r of Christ we lean,

Fill us anew, for we are weak,

So that we boldly for you may speak!

Be of good courage, struggling friend,

Christ will as promised come again,

Troubles on earth though are the price

Prior to Heaven´s sweet paradise!

Shun this world´s sinful emptiness,

As on with Christ you press and press,

Saints once departed on you wait

As on the shore you walk through its gate!

Dec. 31, 2020 - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)