Forside Articles The Urgency Of The Gospel
The Urgency Of The Gospel Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 18:23

As a young student in Williamsport, PA, I was once invited by a business club of well-to-do good men who had it on their hearts to convey a gospel testimony to local foreigners at a lovely meal.

There were many Asians. At the nice meal the speaker made it wonderfully clear what Christianity is and what it´s not about.

After the gospel speech we were encouraged to get to know each other and I was particularly interested in the students from the far East.  Later a gentleman from the “club”kindly sympathized with my enthusiasm.

I´m often reminded of that evangelistic initiative taken by American friends, and I felt how important a simple gospel testimony is .  Billy Graham was then still in his prime.  I often heard him, and one thing stayed with me, namely his frequent message “You must be born again!”

Some have made a little fun of me because of my emphasis on that urgent message, but I don´t care, for there is so much dead church life around without Christ and  thousands of religious people die eternally lost despite the presence of some priest offering the last rites.

I once stayed overnight, at a small hotel in Germany.  The owner, a dear lady, witnessed to me, “When I six years ago heard Billy Graham preaching on “You must be born again!” –  inside me it said,  “Das musst Du haben!”  (That you must have!)  She used to be religious with her hymn book on the night table, but that night she received Christ and was born again, and the fellowship with her I found very uplifting.

So what about you?  Are you born again because of what Christ has done for your lost soul, or are you just religious without the new life in Christ but mingling well with church people? Go to the Lord about it. 1/31/21 - jn

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