”I was mute and silent…as I mused, the fire burned.” Ps. 39:2-3
Tune: Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts… May from my soul our foes not steal In me the blessed warmth of zeal, For His great love cannot be taught, But by its fire it must be caught!
Health may now day by day decline, May He still fill our inner shrine With His own burning love that lasts Even if over us coldness blasts!
O, just like fire is His word (Jer. 23:29) Which to the world may sound absurd, But are we by His Spirit born He us inflames ever morn by morn!
But are you strangely sad and mute Where you may miss the zeal´s pursuit, He will your heart again make hot, Wait till its glow you again have got!
So we, in short, may on Him wait, He as your Shepherd knows your state He is your “Overseer” still (1 Pet. 2:25), Who with His fire will you refill!
Febr. 4, 2021 - jn