We are of course now taken up with the election on Nov. 3. Whom should we as Christians side with? Who is right? I was in my early youth in the midst of a conflict at the mission I attended. I won´t go into its story, but at that time I couldn´t by the stretch of any imagination think it should come to that and I was almost brought to my wit´s end. Later one of the former students asked a leader at the headquarters, “Who was right?” His wise answer was, “God was right! These words stayed with me and are applicable to the election too. God doesn´t side with flesh and blood. The tax collectors who sought the Lord for salvation declared God to be right (Luke 7:29). That´s really enough for getting right with God. It´s like saying, “You are right, - I´m wrong!” Joshua once had a special encounter with the Lord when in a so called theophany Christ revealed Himself to him at Jericho. Joshua asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” The answer was, “No, neither!” (Jos. 5:14, Danish rendering). Joshua humbly submitted, fell on his face and worshiped Him on whose side he wanted to be, no matter what. May this be our attitude too, now facing another historic event in the U.S. Indeed, “The Lord reigns, He is clothed with Majesty” (Ps. 93:1) and He says, “Yet I have set my King.” (Ps. 2:6). His Throne is unchallenged. “If you think we can make the world better, you´re smarter than God”, one of my friends in PA answered some big political shots who wanted him to join them to get more worldly influence. They wanted him to advance further from his mayor position for a better world, but he loved the Lord and thought otherwise. That´s our “prophetic” position too. 10/1/20 - jn