Forside Articles Tempted In All Sinful Things And Abounding Salvation From All Sins.
Tempted In All Sinful Things And Abounding Salvation From All Sins. Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 10:34

An old friend  who was much looked up to among Christians as a gifted preacher and teacher of God´s word, once confided to me how as a widower in his forties he was chased by women.  Once at a hotel a woman was waiting for him hoping to spend the night with him.  He said, “If I´d given in for that temptation, I would have wrecked my life.”

I loved him for saying that, for I had put him on a high pedestal of holiness and didn´t think that a man like that could ever be sexually tempted.  Oh yes, but by God´s help he didn´t get involved with seductive women.  For they appear everywhere, the established churches.

In sermons you rarely hear about it , sometimes because the preachers are sexually defeated themselves, but I have also had the joy of listening to servants of Christ who dealt with the problem just as honestly as my old friend in Denmark.  (He was eventually married to a fine woman).

What about our Lord in His earthly days?  It´s said for our encouragement that “He has been tempted in ALL things, yet without sin.”  (Hebr. 4:15).  Does that include sexual temptations?  Are they included in all things?  Of course they are.

I´m sure He was a very handsome young man for the Holy Spirit doesn´t beget a monstrosity.  I image there were women in those days too who coveted Him, and so He knew what it was to be tempted with all the sufferings that go with it (Hebr. 2:18) for temptation is no game, it´s painful, but the tempted soul is not left in the lurch.  The Lord is there!

So draw on Him and if possible testify of Him and His saving power even to fallen women. I´m sure there were such in His company. But saved from their sins they were now joyfully serving Him (Luke 8:2-3).

Praise God!  For “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more”  (Rom. 5:20).  Nowhere is such a grace found but in the gospel of Christ!

May 7, 2021 - jn

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