Forside Articles Gospel Balm – Not Religious Clichés
Gospel Balm – Not Religious Clichés Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 10:26

At a youth rally many years ago one of the young speakers at my own age suggested that it would be a bad idea to pound on the doctrine of justification at this time.  Other issues were more relevant right now. 

In a way he was right.  When a gospel truth become just a handy doctrine  ready to be passed on to the next generation, it easily becomes a cliché. 

However, the gospel of Christ as our only righteousness is such a balm to a convicted, sick sinner and leads to a true joy of freedom by the ministry of Holy Spirit who always wants to exalt Christ.

I once had an evening walk with a young man in Norway where an awakening had taken place.  He said, “The word about Christ having been made sin on our behalf that “we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21) has been such a good word to me.”

He had just been saved, and to him the gospel of “justification by faith” was not just a piece of a well polished theology, but the very healing of his sick soul.  1 Pet. 2:24.

In our “boot camp” with New Tribes Mission in PA one of its leaders  shared with us the teachings of the cross.  I remember how uplifted I was and I told it to our leader of that boot camp.  But he rebuked me for having not applied the cross properly in my own flawed life. I was thrust into the arms of Moses, not in the arms of Jesus.

I feel ashamed of my own subtle legalism.  I was once discussing doctrines with a highly respected brother in our “camp”.  I talked and talked, but suddenly he said, “Where is Christ?”  That stopped me, for I understood what he meant.  My words had doctrines, but too little of Christ.

“Speak well of Christ”, I was later told. For “Him we proclaim!” Col. 1:28

6/5/21 - jn

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