Forside Articles ”These Women Provided For Them…” (Luke 8:3, NEB)
”These Women Provided For Them…” (Luke 8:3, NEB) Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 30. august 2020 06:46

There have been many godly women in my life with spiritual resources that I didn´t have myself. The Lord used them to succor me. 

Why women? I don´t know, but when I told my friend, LeRoy Larsson, from New Tribes Mission about it, he encouraged me to value such women and reminded me how much godly women had meant in other men´s lives, e.g. John Wesley, Dwight L. Moody and others.

Already as a young man in the New Tribes´ boot camp I remember an elderly lady on visit a few days.  She took me aside to share with me some basic principles on spiritual warfare.   Such women I´ve met in this part of the world also.  They are with the Lord long time ago and I miss them.

I´ve often thought of how much devoted women meant to the Lord. They were not exactly at the front as big riveting preachers to the crowds, but they were all the same in His blessed company and quietly “they provided for them out of their own resources.”  (Luke 8:3).

I´ve known such good women.  A Norwegian sister saw how depressed I was.  She said, “You need a fresh encounter with the Lord!” and she took me to Eph. 1:18 to show me how it´s possible to have our eyes enlightened  “that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, and what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints”.  Indeed, soon the glory of the Lord was shining again in my darkness.

My grandfather´s widow was another woman who helped me spiritually.  She was unknown in loud platform circles, but I´ve never known a woman with such a wisdom.  I had the privilege to speak at her funeral.

Luke 8:3 teaches us a lot about godly women, doesn´t it?  Their prayers  have sometimes preceded healthy revivals.

August 29, 2020 - jn

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