Forside Poetry Redemption Through His Blood
Redemption Through His Blood Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 10. august 2020 17:04

Tune:  There is a fountain filled with blood…

(“In that day a fountain shall be opened…for sin and for uncleanness.” Zech. 13:1)

The reason why I need the blood

That Christ did shed for me

As lost and sinful stained with mud

To its power I must flee!

The world may have its shallow charm,

Still I am in despair,

My conscience needs a lasting balm,

My guilt I cannot bear!

The gospel pointed to that tree,

Where Jesus took away

My many sins to set me free,

On me they held their sway!

And in His grace I may now swim,

Clothed with His righteousness,

My mouth now sings a joyful hymn,

that Calvary does bless!

Come join me in that happy throng

The blood is our guidepost,

Of Christ is now our gospel song,

For the cross is our boast!

July 29, 2020 - jn

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”Ethvert skrift er indblæst af Gud”

(2. Tim. 3:16)