Forside Articles Reflections On This Present Crisis.
Reflections On This Present Crisis. Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 20. juni 2020 12:12

“We´re setting our foot on unknown soil”, one of our scientists just said concerning the pandemic ravaging the world.  This means new experiences, a change of life style, of our thinking and attitudes.

As followers of our Lord Jesus Christ some of us are spiritually setting our foot on unknown soil too.  I´m reading the Bible as if it´s the very first time I read it, and the good Holy Spirit makes me pause at words and truths I just can´t skate over, because they are so relevant right now.  This experience I´m sure I share with many sisters and brothers in Christ.

The Danish people are by and large readily accepting the authority of our government and its admonitions and injunctions at this solemn hour.  Very few are in the mood to discuss trifle matters about politics, as they are united in one common cause, i.e. escape unscathed from a threatening crash on the world community.

Yet the gravity of the situation has not really dawned on my people.  It´s rather soothed with TV´s entertainments with a loud laughter, for who dares speak about God even now?  We should have the courage however.

I feel the need of revival in my own life now at evening time where I may soon leave the scene.

I had a brief talk with my young bank adviser.  She said, “We know that above us is a sovereign that looks after us.”  I have sometimes given her and her colleagues gospel words, and her statement is unusual in this country where God is dethroned in public life.

Billy Graham often said, “Jesus died in full public for our sins, and we should take a public stand for Him.  May we by His grace be doing that despite our many infirmities and failures.  “Speak well of Christ” one elderly preacher once said to me in America.  May we be revived to that end at this late hour.

– March 26, 2020 - jn

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