Forside Articles Very Much “Down” And Yet, Very Much “In The Heavenlies”.
Very Much “Down” And Yet, Very Much “In The Heavenlies”. Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 20. juni 2020 10:59

When you read the Ephesians you wouldn´t think it´s written by a chained prisoner, for its whole atmosphere is very much unchained and free, as if its writer is in clover basking in the sunshine of grace and overwhelmed by the “unsearchable riches of Christ”. Eph. 3:8.  Indeed, so it seems.

I feel very much chained too in a jail of circumstances.  Added to that many gloomy tsunami waves of blunders from the past are rolling over me, and they seem to get worse the older I am.  Sometimes I wonder if there are other believers who are likewise afflicted?  Indeed, I´m more than miserable when sins from the past overwhelm my lost soul.

But like in a flash the Spirit of God reminds me of Christ in His fullness.  I start stammering out that truth ending up with a song of praise, and lo, the chain of the enemy is “broken off like a thread”  (Dom. 16:12).

Oh, the freedom in Christ is not “a second blessing”,for it´s already there because of “the redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7). The ministry of the Spirit exalts that work of Christ to our troubled souls.

I remember I was once visiting the beautiful southern part of England, I went to a service where a brother had a series of meetings on Ephesians.  I sensed how badly he lacked freedom in Christ, though he was supposed to convey the liberating truths of Ephesians.  I deeply felt pity for that dear brother in his need.  How often I had I been in a similar predicament.

It doesn´t go on like that forever, praise God.  But why God allows it to happen, I don´t know.  However, He brings up the afflicted soul from the pit by pointing to Christ and soon a new song of praise finds its way to our cracked lips, and “many wil see it..”  (Ps. 40:3).

So my charter is the Ephesians and my message is Christ and his fullness.

April 26, 2020 - jn

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