Forside Articles The Living Water of the Gospel
The Living Water of the Gospel Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 21. september 2019 09:09

Beloved, There´s no sparing of His smile of grace this bright morning.  Tomorrow our son-in-law, Lars, is appointed to preach in his rather worldly church in Copenhagen.  But he´s of good courage, and my wife and I look forward to sit at his feet.

You are all precious to me.  Indeed,  a "remnant" of God´s people "survived" from our  boot camp days ages ago. What a blessing!  I just said to a neighbor, "I´m actually too young for such an old, frail body!"  He smiled, "That´s a good way to put it!"

My last new book on the Lord´s coming is now being sold, and I´m so grateful for that and pray it may be done in the Lord´s way.  I´m not a high pressure salesman though I used to be as a young man!

The walls of good old organizations are sometimes tumbling down.  Tomorrow at the church service our son-in-law´s Norwegian dad will also be there.  He was a leader of the "Gideonites" in Norway, but he and several others have dismissed themselves as its top controlling management made things too tight and gave too little freedom.  He will tomorrow present an alternative for the outreach of God´s word.

I still remember the ex-chairman of New Tribes Mission, Ken Finney, who had meetings with us in the "jungle camp".  He said it takes a life to evangelize - technical equipment may be okay, but they are not enough.

On a table I´ve placed a beautiful brand-new Bible.  When an unsaved friend shows up, I don´t say, "Here´s the word of God (the Bible) and go home, may the Lord bless His word for you!"  No, it takes more than that, so I look up in the Bible with that "prospect" and let him read loud that gospel word I feel led to expound -  similar to the "method" of Neh. 8:8.

 A lady on a street in Yakima said to me, "You are called upon to be Jesus to your surroundings."  She had a point.  Ken Finney was right, "It takes a life"  - not just a gospel tract or even handing out a brand-new Bible.

Are the Christian walls tumbling down?  God´s rivers are still flowing!

Sept. 21, 2019 - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)