Forside Articles I´m Just a Maladjusted Dreamer!
I´m Just a Maladjusted Dreamer! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 08. Juli 2019 07:11


A lot of U.S. feelings overwhelmed us as we watched the American soccer girls win the women´s world cup in Lyon, France, yesterday.

I can´t help it.  I´m Danish, but "American" too, so in Denmark I´m sort of maladjusted.  I cheer the Danes, but I love the Americans.

Alex Morgan is playing for an Orlando club , so maybe I could call on her and her husband if I make a  break in Orlando on my way to Sanford to fellowship with old missionary friends.  I´m probably too naive  - "you are a dreamer", my old friend John Coder once in PA smilingly said to me.

Rose Lavelle scored the second goal yesterday - a beautiful one - I´m sure the Dutch girls surrendered with humble respect.

Indeed, I´m a dreamer, that´s what I was told  in my young days as a salesman.  I said to my good boss,  "I don´t mind being called a dreamer as long as some of my dreams are being fulfilled.  And indeed they were.

Maybe I shall one day say to my spiritual children up yonder in glory, "You are the fulfillment of my gospel dreams by His grace!"  And thus I "may share with them in its blessings" (1 Cor. 9:23) as Paul so beautifully put it.

Isn´t that what soul winning is about?  Can you think of a better dream? I can´t.

July 8, 2019 - jn

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