Forside Poetry His Cross My Praise And Glory
His Cross My Praise And Glory Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 30. juni 2019 14:40

Tune: Jesus, keep me near the cross... (Fanny Crosby)

Praise the Lord that by His blood
I am in His presence  (Hebr. 10:19) 
there is by that ransom flood
Heaven´s full acceptance!

chorus:  In His cross, in His cross
is my only glory,
in the work that He has wrought
is my happy story!

O, apart from Jesus Christ,
nothing I can offer,
with the blood He sacrificed
silenced is each scoffer!

The accuser conquered is (Rev. 12:11)
by the purest shedding
of the cleansing blood of His,
- that good news we´re spreading!

Don´t His precious blood tread down
as a mere blasphemer,
do instead the Savior crown
as your soul´s Redeemer!

Yes, my soul, that Savior bless,
though your tongue may stammer,
still His praises do confess
with your feeble grammar!

June 30, 2019 - jn

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”Ethvert skrift er indblæst af Gud”

(2. Tim. 3:16)