Forside Articles The Thirst for the Real Thing
The Thirst for the Real Thing Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 05. maj 2019 06:02

An acquaintance of mine expressed his sympathy for those  ingredients and "manifestations" in Christian programs that would attract our young people and make them go to church.  I differ with him.

The  "flesh" is attracted by outward shows, pretty appearances, quick wits, slick methods, cheerful staging and much fun in order to give Jesus a good marketing and to fine-tune the church image.

 Its set-up soon becomes a well prepared presentation of items of which preaching is just one of the well timed points boiled down to catching headlines on a big screen as appetizers for a good church adventure, and the gospel (or Jesus) has thus become saleable (it is hoped).  "A good show" it´s sometimes called in dead earnest.

"Preach the word" the apostle charged Timothy (2 Tim. 4:2), but it was not meant to be garnished with worldly means.  It was powerful enough to stand alone, upheld by the Spirit.  That kind of simplicity characterized healthy revivals and awakenings in old days, nay even in my lifetime.

The words by D.L. Moody (1837-1899) should be considered, "This is the preacher I want to see in the 20th century, - a man that opens his Bible and preaches from it".  I may not quote him precisely, but that was the essence of his words. Read the old reports of revivals, and you´ll be impressed by their unsophisticated manner in favor of the anointed word.

This page can´t hold further quotations, but  I do believe that there are still godly watchmen on the walls of Zion and a genuine spiritual hunger among "the common people" thirsting for "water on the thirsty land" (Isa. 44:3) and joining the prayer of Habakkuk, "Revive Thy work" (3:2).

May 5, 2019 - jn 

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