"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession..."
These "triumphal" words make the headlines of praise in Christ as I look back at happy 3 weeks in USA. Paul spoke in those terms about his ministry without saying too much, and so can we, you and I, who are in the same "triumphal procession" (2 Cor. 2:14) whoever and wherever we are as long as we are "in Christ", with all that goes with it.
It was not a "triumph" in the modern, vain "winner" sense with great results, and yet it was upheld by the Holy Spirit whenever "the testimony of God" was proclaimed in "weakness", but also "in the power of God" (1 Cor. 2:1-5). I share this blessing with all committed followers of Christ.
As Moses was given skilful co-workers for a job he had no chance to do himself (Ex 31:1-6), I have likewise been blessed with dedicated helpers about the design and printing of my small gospel cards, my encounters with schools and churches through loving agencies of family and friends, brethren I met for the very first time, wonderful accommodation at night, etc. , making it so easy and meaningful to testify of the gospel of grace.
It was another journey "as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing" (2 Cor. 6:10), about souls, souls, souls - not a tourist´s sight-seeing. I was drowned in goodwill ,our family´s love and that of many Christians with hugs, many heartfelt talks, much forbearance and charity and many laughs of relief!
"If Trump likes to meet me, would you like to join me?" I asked Amelia (11), our oldest granddaughter. Her Yes was a shout of joy. Such dreams are permissible, but dreams only. My boss in my young days said to me, "They call you a dreamer!" My reply was, "It doesn´t matter as long as my dreams are fulfilled!" which happened to be true in business.
By the grace of God they will in the Lord´s business too, and I anticipate the day when even I in glory may say, "Behold, here I am and the children God has given me!" (Compare Ps. 126:5-6). And you fellow pilgrim may say likewise! - 9/30/17 - jn.