Forside Articles Don´t Try to be Smarter Than God!
Don´t Try to be Smarter Than God! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 13. juni 2017 15:58

With respect and with an open minded I try to peruse various reports from America, dealing with its political situation and how (according to himself), Trump is being "besieged". They to our shame gloat over him here too.  Our central point should be different, however.

As a young man I made friendship with the outspoken political leader and founder of the Unionists (Democratic Union Party) in Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley.  He became very dear to our home where he once stayed, and where we also had a good cottage meeting with him.  He impressed me as a bold, good preacher, and as we parted in the Copenhagen Airport he put his hand on me and prayed for me.  We never discussed politics.

And yet he was a bombastic politician for sure.  Despite my love and affection for him, I´m not sure that he should have spent so much energy on politics, but in all fairness he was true to the gospel testimony, and only as a gospel preacher a soul winner he wanted to be remembered.

Politics is the attempt to make the world better or make it a better place to live.  That´s where we´re mistaken.  If we think we can make this world better, we´re smarter than God, for His word has already told us that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one"  (1 John 5:19). Our calling is to have souls "saved from this perverse generation"  (Acts 2:40).

I look forward to visiting the U.S. again in Sept., D.V.   I don´t fly over to discuss politics, but to attend to the interests of Christ, my King.  As I was praying, I was encouraged by the word, "They went out for His Name´s sake" (3 John v.7) though with fear and trembling.  An elderly woman once said to me on a street in Yakema, WA, where we´ll be heading (with our family), "You are supposed to be Christ to your surroundings!"

Nobody has ever spoken that way to me before, but she was right.  Paul put it this way "Through us God diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place...for we are to God the fragrance of Christ..." 2 Cor.2:14-15.

Indeed,  "in every place", i.e. on both sides of the pond!

June 13, 2017 - jn

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