Forside Articles 2016 Another Gospel Challenge
2016 Another Gospel Challenge Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 31. december 2015 11:02

At this time, on the threshold of another year, we think of  precious friends that during 2015 left this scene to be "absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord"  (2 Cor. 5:8).  In a real way they "being dead yet speak" (Hebr. 11:4) on both sides of the Atlantic.

One of them was a dear patron of mine from my young days in the U.S., a  business man by name of John Coder, whom I saw once more in Williamsport, PA. on Oct.  14, 2013.  At that time he was rather weak, 88 years old, but still very alert on the things of God, and we even witnessed together at an old age home where he took the lead in a good sense.

On Dec. 19, 2015 the Lord quietly called him home, thus "promoted to glory", where he now knows more of "the things of God" than all the rest of us on this doomed earth.  His commitment to the word of God will always be an inspiring challenge to my own life.  I wanted to see him again in the body, but a much better reunion is awaiting us up yonder.

2015 was also the year where I had a book published about my godly grandfather (Uno Rieper-Holm) who had a healthy influence on my Christian life that goes back to my boyhood in 1952.  Dear friends encouraged me to write the book which I hesitated to do, but now I´m glad I did it.  It turned out to be a chronicle of a family with much weakness and sin, but also the awesome story of unmerited gospel grace. (I hope to be able to translate it into English also).

This note may be read by friends that struggle with legion family conflicts draining you from our true business,  i.e. "the furtherance of the gospel" (Phil. 1:12).  By His grace,  let us "put on strength"  (Isa. 52:1) as well as the beautiful garments of the gospel in the midst of gospel barren surroundings inside and outside the church establishment.

Let us these days be such  ambassadors of Christ "as you see the day approaching"  (Hebr. 10:25)

Dec. 31, 2015 - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)