Forside Articles In Freedom, Yet Still Struggling!
In Freedom, Yet Still Struggling! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 15. september 2015 09:45

The powerful gospel truth of being “made free from the law of sin and death” because of another blessed “law” operating, i.e. “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”  (Rom. 8:2) is a truth from which I never “graduate” in the sense of “jumping” with ease from Rom. 7 into 8.  There is, praise God, such a thing as a true elation in Christ, but there´s also in religion a selling out of false “instant” experiences of super happiness linked, mind you,  to the name of Jesus, that blessed name so sadly abused.

So see to it, in God´s word, by the grace of God and enlightened by His Spirit, what it means to be in Christ and in Him find the transcending “law of the Spirit of life” that neutralizes “the law of sin and death” because you are in Christ risen above that old “law of gravity” dragging you down.

Permit me to quote our old, wholesome mr Spurgeon, called “the prince of preachers” in his time, who has this to say on the subject:

“I have never known what it is to be out of Rom. 7 nor out of Rom. 8.  The whole passage has been solid truth to my experience.  I´ve struggled against inward sin and rejoiced in complete justification at the same time. Believers are in a state of conflict, but not in state of condemnation.”

At a military exercise I once asked a fellow soldier, a brother in Christ, “How do we apply “all spiritual blessings” in our lives?” We looked up Eph. 1:3 from my pocket N.T.  His short answer was, “Remember it says in Christ!” My soul was then and there lifted to Him, and I rejoiced!  Ps.34:5.

A fine woman in our weekly bible fellowship exclaimed with almost a “transfigured” look in her eyes, “What about going through the Romans?” We´ll soon come to that, but as we do I foresee a long study when “the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” unfolds our victorious standing in Him.  So I´ve suggested we rather call the Bible fellowship our “Christ fellowship”.

Nothing else is worth the name of “fellowship”. Or what do you think? 

Sept. 15, jn

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