Forside Articles Privileged with a Godly Heritage
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Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 13. oktober 2014 12:12

“I thank God whom I serve as my forefathers did…”  (2 Tim. 1:3)

I´ve just written a book about my grandfather.  Reluctantly, I admit, but encouraged by others I´m now glad that I did it, and proofreading is now being done by a competent godly woman.

I feel akin to H.A. Ironside (1876-1951), the American bible teacher, when he speaks of his godly heritage saying, “I have in my desk an old photograph of my great-grandfather, a farmer in Scotland.  I have been told by those who knew him how at the close of every day he always prayed for the salvation and the blessing of his children and his children´s children unto the third and fourth generations – and I come in there.  As I look at the grizzled face of that old Scottish farmer I thank God for a godly heritage and for the way in which He has answered prayer.”

I´ve written the book in Danish as a kind of legacy to my loved ones, but maybe it should be written in English too for the encouragement of my English speaking intimates.  Anyway, it´s essential for me to say that I remember Grandpa as a follower of Christ more than anything and a businessman for God with a mission in the slums of Copenhagen.

I don´t remember him as a spiritual dignitary with certain theological pet views.  I looked at him as neither a “Lutheran”, “Reformed”, “Arminian”, “Presbyterian”, “Baptist” nor any other name, - to me he was just a man walking with the Lord with a conscience bound to His word.

The lesson is -  and you know it so well -, that nobody is used because of a a certain theological school, be it “Calvinistic” or “Arminian”, - by the way a couple of technical terms completely unknown over here.

These men were used despite their theological hats. My grandfather´s manifesto was the Bible, his creed Isaiah 53, his calling the urgency of pleading with “all men everywhere to repent”  (Acts 17:30).

May that be our vision too at this juncture.

October 13, 2014, - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)