Our Great Gospel Incentive |
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Fredag, 01. august 2014 04:04 |
Let me share with you a word of sobering truth about Israel the cause of growing irritability, nay open hatred, these days within the so called ”world community”. Nevertheless God warns her enemies, that “he who touches you touches the apple of His (God´s) eye.” (Zech. 2:8).
My contention is that hatred against the Jewish people (anti-Semitism) equals hatred against God. Have you ever met a hater of Israel who is at the same time a lover of God and His gospel? Why? Because it´s contrary to the word of God and His ultimate plan of salvation for the people of His covenant with His burning longing to “take away their sins” (Rom. 11:27).
But they are still enemies of the gospel, aren´t they? Yes, but also “beloved for the sake of the fathers” (Rom. 11:28). Their repentance to “Me whom they pierced” will be climax of coming prophetic events.
That very fact also answers the question whether God is pleased with everything in Israel. Of course not. Like in Denmark they too have their bubonic plague of homosexuality, atheism, rebellion, anarchy or lifeless religious orthodoxy and self-righteousness. But that doesn´t entitle us to join their enemies in their smear campaign against the Jews.
Paul preached the gospel of repentance to his people, but always in love and in due respect to their place in God´s economy as the people “to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God and the promises…” (Rom. 9:4).
This is not an incentive to stand up for Israel as secular politicians (which some Christians wrongly do), but rather as a simple evangelists, that “discern this time” in which we´re living (Luke 12:56) in one way only, i.e. the urge to preach the gospel “to be testified in due time” (1 Tim. 2:6). Or do you see it otherwise?
August 1, 2014 - jn