Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Mandag, 24. februar 2014 07:47 |
Yesterday I shared with you a little about the gospel´s emphasis on “The Precious Blood of Christ”. I´m glad I did as it means so much to me, not in just rigid matter-of-fact-terms or in theological clothing, but as the gospel balm to a guilty conscience.
Immediately after, in my daily Bible reading, I paused before the same gospel truth in Lev. 14:7-8 speaking of “the living bird”, dipped with the blood of a sacrificed bird, that was “let loose in the open field”. Again I saw the gospel of Christ portrayed in OT allegorical language.
But the words “let loose in the open field” spoke to me. Covered or sprinkled by that blood of its sacrificed substitute it freely flew its way in the open field. The gospel that was here foreshadowed by the blood, made that living bird extremely living and ready for the open field.
There is an “open field” for all who have fled to the blood of Jesus for grace and forgiveness – an open field of souls that needs to hear about Jesus. Indeed, our surroundings “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1) should hear about Him and His cross for the simple reason that they by nature don´t invite Him by themselves.
The world should hear “the whirr of wings” from redeemed, free “gospel birds”. Our “wings” should always have the healthy whistle of the wind, which real wings on a certain level always have. They are not completely noiseless.
A computer scientist by name of Gully Burns puts in a poem these lovely words in the mouth of the little hummingbird, “I love the whirling dance of movement, flight and speed's romance." To stop that would be foreign to its nature. It should be foreign to our new nature too, shouldn´t it?
Febr. 24, 2014 – jn