Forside Articles The Thirst for “Living Water”
The Thirst for “Living Water” Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 23. april 2013 10:11

Many Christian gatherings have ”bread”, but no “living water” -  motions, but no movements of God´s Spirit - words, but no power.  With much knowledge they go through this and that Bible passage, but God´s word doesn´t seem to go through them and break their hearts.  Their prayers are boring and the Spirit is quenched, as they live in a desert land without “milk and honey” or no fresh rivers to drink from.

But a brother who felt the pain of all this just said to me, “Who am I that I should speak up about it?  I´m so needy myself.” I, too, feel  that need.  Instead we may say, “Brethren, there´s no “living water” despite our many words, let´s humble ourselves before the Lord.”  I remember similar utterances were made at a house meeting in my early youth in the States, and we all bowed down before the Lord, humbled.

The same things happened, likewise in my youth, on the west coast of Norway.  It was a Saturday night, the word from Eph. 5:14 was read and the force of it made us young people kneel down,  - o, we forgot all about the coffee table and poured out our hearts before the Lord.  Some days after it pleased the Lord to have unsaved souls bowed down at our meetings too, crying for mercy.  Many did.  How I long for such days again.

Is that possible?  Is the prayer, “O LORD, revive Your work…”  (Hab. 3:2) still relevant?  I mean more  than straightening out one another about right views that really don´t matter?

April 23, 2013 – jn

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