Forside Poetry God´s Overruling Plan
God´s Overruling Plan Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 15. januar 2013 08:52

“In that way the man became exceedingly prosperous…”  (Gen. 31:43, Danish rendering)

“In that way” Jacob´s wealth increased,
so is the story told,
but God it was who thus released
His hidden plan of old!

Though Jacob thought his methods did
great miracles achieve,
His serving angels God did bid
that Jacob not to leave!

His story is my story too
as I today look back,
it was the God of Jacob who
kept me right on His track!

And as I do approach my end
I thank Him for that grace,
nay, how this overruling trend
my life with love would chase!

Take courage then, thou feeble friend,
this morning has new grace (Lam. 3:23),
for look, what will not ever end:
The glory in His face!  (2 Cor. 4:6)

Jan. 15, 2012 – jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)