”Let now the astrologers, the stargazers and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you!” (Isa. 47:13)
In my local newspaper I was immediately opposed by an astrologically orientated reader when I publicly warned against any subjection to the rule of the stars which our Bible condemns as demonic.
Yesterday my newspaper had a big display interviewing an astrologer and clairvoyant from the local community. She has had her satanic practice for 20 years and boldly declares, ”Oh yes, the zodiac sign in connection with the position of the sun reveals something about your soul, your innermost being and your basic character traits”. She also offers her assistance in the teaching of the job applicants at a local job course at the moment running in my town.
“My business is run by the stars”, was the statement of a business man many years ago. I´ve been close to such a successful magnate myself. I do believe that truly born-again Christians will keep their fingers off astrologers and their horoscopes. Or am I too naïve?
A Christian woman thought that my sick mother´s mental condition had to do with the various phases of the moon. It´s many years ago now, but to me it was an example of a dangerous flirtation with the powers of that darkness from which our Savior has set us free. Col. 1:13.
Yes, I refuted with reference to the gospel the demonic practice of astrology in my newspaper knowing that I would soon be opposed. Again I realized that no Christian readers would risk their skin by publicly backing up the testimony of the gospel. But of course this is not a new thing (Read 2 Tim. 4:16). However, praise God, the gospel outshines the darkness of astrology and that happens in practice through your and my testimony, - at land, by sea and in the air!