Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Lørdag, 08. september 2012 01:14 |
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life!” John 3:16
I came back from the U.S. this year with a number of “silver coins” marked with John 3:16 on one side and the question, “Where do you want to spend the eternity” on the other side. “This is my lucky penny”, a cancer sick lady just told me.
When presented to Christian friends they smile politely as if they say, “Good for you, Jørn – but we can´t all be like you!” But “gossiping the gospel” themselves? Oh no, not that way… In practice I´m afraid they mean, “In no way!”
An old friend, however, called me to express his sincere interest. I said to him, “You are the first one who wants to be committed that way – what an encouragement.” That friend has for years been spreading John 3:16 through a tiny little booklet with the picture of a heart (God´s heart for the lost), but now out of print. He welcomed my “lucky penny”.
Indeed, I´m encouraged. The holy fire of John 3:16 makes a lot of theological issues so unimportant. Don´t get me wrong. I do care about sound doctrine and expository preaching. In fact, I love it, but it must conclude in a renewed, refreshing gospel breeze blowing from your and my life to our lost surroundings. Or what do you think?
Sept. 8, 2012 – jn