Forside Articles Another Journey through the Book of Job
Another Journey through the Book of Job Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 22. august 2012 04:25

“You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”  (Jam. 5:11)

For the next couple of weeks I again expect to be in the book of Job – the book of suffering.  As usual I don´t expect to get all the answers of my many why-questions and riddles in my own life except the fact that I may be better equipped to sympathize with others.

We are not unfamiliar with the “comfort” of Job´s friends , though miserable they were (Job 16:2).  Job actually didn´t send for those “comforters”, yet they felt called upon to come and speak to him and be “spiritual”, but on the bottom line God didn´t approve of their “profound” talk (42:7).

I once knew a very tried brother in Norway, a preacher, going through deep waters.  A rather puffed up younger man met him on the street and rebuked him for his outbursts of anguish and said, “Are you sure you´re speaking in the Spirit?” and he started quoting Bible words to him.

My friend said, “You´re quoting God´s word to me, that I may do to you too.  In the book of Job it says, “The speeches of a desperate man are as wind!”  (6:26). Of course his point was that his desperate words of anguish would blow away with the wind by the tender mercies of God.

Do you know of some tried “Job”?  Don´t try to be like the “spiritual” friends of Job.  Be a praying co-sufferer, and you may be able to act in due time as the apostle Paul who comforted those in trouble “with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”  (2 Cor. 1:4).

Are you going through trials?  By God´s grace, say like Job, “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him!”  (13:15).  It´s not a good idea to make your case be made known to all men.  It´s safe to take it to Christ.  What should be made known to all men, however, is His character (Phil 4:5).

Let us together take this journey through the book of Job in that Spirit.

August 8, 2012 – jn

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